Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Where Does the Time Go?

          Well... it's been a while since my last post. I said I would set out to make this more regular. I don't want to be disconnected from you guys because you guys are such a central part of what we do.            
          Time management is SO IMPORTANT! And I seem to be a man of extremes. I used to throw myself into video games, now I throw myself into school work, or managing Nine Lashes. I even set out to learn web development, but had to let it fall temporarily by the wayside in lieu of all my other commitments in life. I hope to pick it back up, again, in the future.
          An "all or nothing" sort of personality is often viewed as a positive thing. They're seen as people who give their all to something and chase it with everything within them. I used to agree with this mainly because I only saw one half of the picture. Yes, people like that often chase their dreams with everything they have. But it's not uncommon for "all or nothing" people to be known to not finish things. I've seen it in my own life. I get this grand idea of something I can do or accomplish, and because the reality of my achievements almost never live up to the power of my imagination, I lose motivation. This is terrible! I can easily see thousands of the incredible dreams people everywhere carry failing to be realized for this very reason!
          This is starting to remind of a series preached at my church. I'm convinced that being consistent is way more effective than being powerful. The perfect example is the evil and dreadful LAUNDRY! It's much easier to be successful at laundry through consistency. lol
          In any case, this wasn't at all what I wanted to rant about. I really wanted to talk about how my "all or nothing" attitude takes away from my time with my family. Even when I'm with family, the quality of that time together is reduced because I've got my face in work. This is why consistency is better. Sixteen hour days might get more done, but they'll burn you out. And while you're successful at whatever you're doing, you won't succeed at home or with family. And what's more important? When this life is coming to an end, what's gonna be on my mind? My savior and best friend, Jesus, my family, and my closest friends will truly be all that's on my mind.

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